Blue Color Guy Running Agains Paul Ryan

Randy Bryce'south campaign to unseat House Speaker Paul Ryan had barely started when he experienced his first Hollywood moment. Later on whistle-stop trips to New York, Washington, D.C., and Atlanta to introduce himself to Democratic supporters away from dwelling house, Bryce landed in Los Angeles and went out for a bite to eat.

He'd just sat down when a waiter came dashing over to his table and told him: "Hey, make certain you lot kick Paul Ryan'south donkey."

Bryce is wide-eyed equally he recounts the moment he realized he'd become a national figure a full 16 months before 2018's mid-term elections. "It was surreal," he says. "I had no thought that anyone outside Wisconsin would recognize me. One of my campaign guys asked the waiter afterwards if he actually knew who I was and he was, 'Oh, yeah.'

"People are coming up to me now wanting a moving picture taken. I'm not used to it. I don't know how you become used to it."

Similar information technology or non, Bryce might do well to prepare himself to exist recognized on a regular basis. With a mustache the size of a caterpillar, he stands out in whatever oversupply, although some might mistake him for Nick Offerman.

The modest ironworker became a viral sensation when he launched his congressional campaign in June with a slick 2-and-a-one-half-minute video. Every bit a blueish-collar Regular army vet, cancer survivor and single parent, he is beingness sold to the public every bit the platonic candidate to bring downward career-politician Ryan.

Cynics have suggested Bryce's penchant for wearing his construction chapeau in pictures is an image carefully crafted by his campaign. Even so his Timberland work boots actually are battered, his "dad" jeans well washed.

When chatting with locals on his home turf, he is personable, rather than charismatic, and seems genuinely interested when people end him on the street to talk, something that could requite him an border over Ryan, who stands accused by some as being out of touch on with his constituents.

The surprise results of the 2016 election could also bode well for Bryce. If a reality Goggle box host with zero political feel can become the leader of the free earth, why can't a working-grade community activist snatch Ryan's seat? Undoubtedly, information technology'due south a long-shot – Wisconsin's First Congressional District is strongly Republican and Ryan has won by wide margins in every ballot since 1998. And Bryce has to get by a Autonomous primary opponent, Cathy Myers, earlier even coming upward against the speaker. Merely in the era of Trump, i could debate that anything can happen.

Bryce pinpoints his interest in politics to the protests surrounding Gov. Scott Walker's Human action 10 union-bashing legislation of 2011, when – bullhorn in hand – he became one of the most recognizable voices during the Statehouse occupation.

How that type of grass-roots activism led him to this point seems to surprise Bryce as much as anyone. "IronStache" – his longheld Twitter handle and now the nickname everyone knows him past – does non stand out noisily in a oversupply. There's a repose reticence nearly Bryce that belies the public'due south prototype of a man i observer described equally "genetically engineered from Bruce Springsteen songs."

Milwaukee-born Bryce adores The Boss: "Built-in To Run" is one of his all-time favorite songs. And withal, he's never seen Springsteen in concert because he tin't beget the sky-high prices.

"His concerts sell out, the scalpers get the tickets and I can't afford the resale prices," he says, echoing the sentiments of then many music lovers.

Until recently, his merely castor with celebrity came via Celtic punk rockers the Dropkick Murphys, who threw their support behind the workers protesting Human action ten. Ironworkers Local 8 union organizer Bryce has the band's "Worker's Vocal" as the ringtone on his jail cell telephone, and he has managed to score tickets to see them.

"I saw the Dropkick Murphys at Summerfest," he says. "I brought a union flag that I had and my friend and I marched the flag through the crowd, upwardly to the stage and gave it to the band. They draped our flag across the speaker. Information technology was great."

During the Deed 10 protests, which stripped most public sector employees of commonage bargaining rights, Bryce met Ryan for the start time. They engaged in "small talk" but they clearly had niggling in common.

At 16, after discovering his 55-year-sometime lawyer father Paul Sr. dead of a heart attack, Ryan received Social Security survivor credits to save for his academy education, although his family was among Janesville's most prominent. "He took those credits simply now he wants to take everyone else's abroad," says Bryce. "He's definitely changed, especially since becoming speaker of the Business firm."

Bryce has constantly criticized 47-year-old Ryan for refusing to hold traditional town hall meetings. Ryan strongly rejects those claims and in August staged a CNN-sponsored event at Racine Theatre Social club. Bryce practical for one of the 300 seats. Peradventure non surprisingly, he wasn't selected and instead found himself continuing outside with 250 placard-carrying protesters.

But his entrada aired two xxx-2d Boob tube ads featuring Bryce firing the questions almost the Affordable Health Care Act he wanted to ask during the town hall. He likewise asked Ryan when he would "censure" the "clearly racist" Trump and reiterated his campaign mantra: "Let'southward trade places, Paul Ryan. Y'all can come work the iron, and I'll get to D.C."

Bryce knows full well Ryan, who ran for vice president in 2012, couldn't do his manual job. Policy-wonk Ryan went directly from Ohio's Miami University, where he earned a bachelor's degree in economics and political science, to Washington, working equally a Republican legislative aide and speechwriter.

His only postal service-college job exterior politics was a twelvemonth-long stint as a marketing executive at Ryan Inc., Cardinal, the Janesville earth-moving company founded past his great-grandfather Patrick Ryan, a job he held immediately earlier he ran for Congress in 1998.

Randy Bryce
One observer described Bryce equally "genetically engineered from Bruce Springsteen songs."; photo by Sara Stathas

Bryce is close to Ryan'due south polar opposite. One of three children built-in to policeman Richard Bryce and Nancy, a doctor's secretary, Bryce grew up on the Due south Side of Milwaukee, in what he describes as "the policeman'south ghetto," dutifully attended Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church every Sunday. His dad supported Republican Ronald Reagan.

He signed up for the Army straight out of Rufus King High School in 1983 and did his basic grooming at Fort McClellan, Alabama. It was the pinnacle of the Cold War and his 3-year tour of duty included a stint in Honduras. Returning home, he briefly enrolled at UW-Milwaukee only was forced to drib out when he was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Unable to work and without health insurance, he threw himself on the mercy of trainee doctors at the Medical College of Wisconsin.

"I was a guinea squealer for experimental handling. I didn't take much of a selection," says Bryce, who underwent ii surgeries to remove the tumor and several lymph glands.

And while he is quick to praise both the students and teaching staff, it is clear that the traumatic diagnosis in his early 20s and the very real fear that he would not receive treatment paved the mode for his views at present on single-payer healthcare, the system championed past Sen. Bernie Sanders in which the government provides the means for everyone to receive medical coverage.

Bryce, 52, has been cancer complimentary for virtually three decades, but health woes have devastated both of his parents. His 70-year-onetime mother, who appeared in his debut campaign video, suffers from multiple sclerosis, and his 77-year-quondam male parent has Alzheimer'due south and is living in an assisted-living facility.

Randy Bryce
photo by Sara Stathas

Afterward his cancer battle, Bryce causeless he would never be a parent, but xi years ago his at present ex-wife discovered she was pregnant. He shares custody of Ben, who he calls his petty miracle. "I work every day and so that my son can have health insurance," says Bryce.

Life experience, not ambition, led Bryce to politics. Afterwards billowy effectually bartending jobs in his 20s, he started working with homeless veterans, something he says "really opened my eyes on how people are treated when they are no longer wearing a compatible.

"It's heartbreaking to run into someone who volunteered to risk their life for their country who then doesn't take a place to sleep."

In 1997 he signed up for a four-year ironworker apprenticeship and quickly became interested in union affairs.

Bryce has been quoted ofttimes near how he can await around Wisconsin and signal to the buildings he helped construct. Merely the job has come with its off-white share of heartache.

In July 1999 Bryce was working on the construction of Miller Park when a giant crane collapsed, killing three of his co-workers. Bryce shudders at the memory. "If I hear a racket that sounds like a bolt snapping I spring, I wonder what it is," he says.

After finding his voice as a marriage organizer during the Act 10 protests, Bryce decided to run for public office, first for the country Assembly in 2012, then for the Racine schoolhouse lath in 2013 and finally for state Senate in 2014. He failed on all iii occasions – something his opponents on both the Democratic and Republican sides have been quick to indicate out.

There are also questions over Bryce'southward stand on a proposed Enbridge pipeline and the Foxconn electronics factory, projects that could create thousands of new jobs. Bryce advocates the $15-an-hour minimum wage and is pro-jobs but is proceeding with caution, taking a wait-and-meet stance on both projects. He can be hard to pin downward on policy specifics.

Mike Gousha, a shut political observer and host of WISN-Tv set'due south current-diplomacy show "UpFront With Mike Gousha," believes Foxconn is an particularly tough call for Bryce, as the Taiwan-based company has been offered nearly $3 billion in taxpayer-funded incentives to build the establish hither and could be exempt from normal environmental protection rules.

"He is yet learning, something he told me when he was on my show," says Gousha, a Marquette Academy Law School fellow. "Foxconn is a tough one for Bryce as it concerns working people and jobs. For Bryce, I think that is part of the learning process and his momentum. Simply he needs fourth dimension to sort through the issues and make consistent stands on issues."

When Bryce flubbed an early Television interview, unprepared for questions on North korea, the National Republican Congressional Committee swung into activeness, calling his interview "a dumpster fire" and slamming Bryce as "all style, no substance."

Ironically, Bryce says that was the moment he realized Republicans were worried about his candidacy. Ryan's people normally ignore rivals until much closer to elections. At that stage, Bryce'south entrada was just 3 weeks one-time.

(When asked for a comment about Bryce, Ryan campaign spokesman Zack Roday supplied a quote that did not mention him, or any opponent, but praised Ryan as a "serious, solutions-oriented leader … constantly working to improve people's lives." Simply elsewhere, Roday has been quoted saying Bryce had "far-left views.")

The initial idea of running against Ryan took shape over coffee with Wisconsin Working Families Party managing director Marina Dimitrijevic in an Oak Creek diner at the stop of April. The grass-roots system had been sifting through potential candidates and Bryce'due south proper name kept coming upward.

"I've known Randy for a long time," says Dimitrijevic, a Milwaukee County supervisor. "He is agile in the labor movement and on clearing. Our paths take crossed a lot. I could not recall of a better candidate.

"There is no reason why a young female parent or a unmarried male parent like Randy should not run for office. In fact, that'due south what I said to Randy."

Bryce agreed to go dwelling and think about it. His showtime port of call was his mother, who subsequently his son is the most important person in his life.

"She was okay with it," he says, "merely correct before I accepted she chosen; she was concerned. She'southward existent protective, and she was worried they [opponents] were going to practice stuff, personal attacks," he says. "Well, the personal attacks accept started and information technology changes cipher."

After assuring his female parent he could withstand the barbs thrown at him, he linked up with Nib Hyers and Matt McLaughlin, specialists in underdog candidates. The emotional video they made – featuring Bryce, his mother, son and friends, with he and his mom talking about health issues and the fears of losing insurance – had 500,000 views and helped raise almost one-half-a-million dollars in just two weeks.

Early Autonomous contender David Yankovich, who moved from Ohio to Kenosha specifically to run against Ryan because he feared no ane else would, took one look at the video and realized he was browbeaten.

"Randy Bryce just exploded on the race," the 31-year-old father of two says. "When the video appeared I was like, 'That's a really bad twenty-four hours for my entrada.' So I called him up and said, you practise this."

Randy Bryce
"The money [Bryce] has raised is non coming from Wisconsin; peradventure one percent has come up in from the district," says Cathy Myers, who is running against Bryce for the Democratic nomination.; photo by Sara Stathas

The two met for dinner the post-obit night, then Yankovich urged his supporters to become behind Bryce and pulled out of the race.

"He is definitely impressive, a regular dude. If y'all run across him in the street he starts talking to people," he says. "Anybody loves him, he keeps things positive and works really hard."

Lost in the midst of Bryce-mania is the fact he isn't even a shoe-in for the Democrats yet. He faces Cathy Myers in the August primary and even though her campaign has been largely ignored, she isn't planning on slipping quietly out of the race anytime before long.

The 55-twelvemonth-old Janesville teacher, union official, schoolhouse lath member and community activist refers to Bryce merely every bit "my opponent" and cites his previous election failures and promotion of jobs over environmental concerns equally reasons why voters should reject him.

She concedes he "made a adept entrada video" and received peachy exposure considering of it but says: "The money he has raised from that is not coming from Wisconsin; maybe i percent has come in from the district.

"Voters in this district are going to decide who is beating Paul Ryan. When they discover out about me and how I take won elections, we are talking an incredible positive.

"I am talking to the middle class, I want Medicaid for all; protecting public educational activity is my forte. I'thousand talking about the jobs nosotros tin create if nosotros invest in dark-green technology and make clean energy. People say that'due south their 3 priorities.

"My opponent backs the Enbridge pipeline. He appreciates the pipeline and I don't."

Bryce's opponents worry about his pipeline opinion and his apparent lack of substance. Walworth County Supervisor Charlene Staples, a retired nursing attendant and former union rep, is bankroll Myers in the master, even though she supported Bryce in previous elections. "It's not that he is a bad guy. I like Randy, simply I think Cathy Myers is a better candidate. She is more clear and intelligent," she says.

"They are very like on most of their stances. Randy talks about the pipelines for workers just Cathy [is] for sustainable industry.

"He has darn good handlers, whoever they are. His fundraising is going really well, he has a catchy Twitter handle, he looks like a working man with his hard hat but what substance is there?"

Bryce was an early on Bernie Sanders supporter, speaking up for him at rallies during the 2016 primaries. When Sanders lost, he voted for Hillary Clinton, only he's considered a progressive, something that could come dorsum to haunt him because he likewise needs to appeal to more middle of-the-route Democrats and snatch swing voters from the Republicans. Gousha, for one, isn't sure that is possible.

"Information technology's a challenging district for a Democratic candidate, a hard commune to win, " he says. "Four of the terminal five presidential elections went Republican. Trump ran pretty handily there in 2016. Ryan wins that district by large margins every time.

"Bryce is a personable guy, he is a brilliant guy, plain spoken. How well that plays in 2018 I don't know. He is a dissimilar kind of candidate.

"Whether his appeal goes higher up people who depict themselves equally progressives or working folks, I am non sure. I don't know if people know him well enough and what he stands for. In that location are then many variables.

"There are a lot of variables in play for Ryan too. Does Donald Trump work to Ryan'due south benefit? And Foxconn is a factor," says Gousha. He likewise points out that historically, the district was fairly evenly counterbalanced between Republicans and Democrats. "It'due south a picayune different today, it has moved to the right in the concluding 15 years."

Randy Bryce
Bryce says, "I piece of work every day then that my son can have health insurance."; photo past Sara Stathas

The National Republican Congressional Committee denounced Bryce as a "liberal agitator" shortly subsequently he launched his entrada. He took information technology in pace, telling a New York crowd that included "Sexual practice and the Urban center" extra Cynthia Nixon that he'd take that equally a "badge of honor" and go it tattooed on his body.

But he is very aware that he is upward against a Republican juggernaut. Ryan has a war chest of $11.5 million; Bryce needs at to the lowest degree $v 1000000 to compete with that.

Barry Burden, a political science professor at UW-Madison, agrees with Gousha that Bryce is a long shot to beat out Ryan.

"Bryce would take to run a flawless campaign, there would have to exist a lot of discontent with Ryan and Bryce would take to attract a lot of Democrats," he says.

Every bit for Bryce's viral video, he says: "At that place are a lot of campaigns that have great opening ads. Some are very clever and well produced, and it is helpful for starting a campaign.

"Information technology's harder on the day-to-day entrada, you are doing interviews, answering questions, the crude and tumble of the campaign – all things that are not as flashy or controllable as the advertisement."

The election race could end up being a national outcome, a test-case for Trump's administration, and the Democrats are already playing up the differences betwixt working-homo Bryce and "Wall Street Ryan."

Bryce's fundraisers are priced between $3 and $fifty, and afterwards hearing Ryan was charging $10,000 to have a photo taken with him at private events, Bryce Tweeted: "If you lot encounter me around, I'll have a photo with you lot for cypher dollars and a high five."

Indeed, Bryce manages enough of high fives as he sits in a Racine bar nursing a can of beer. He looks effectually him and notes the abandoned factories, crumbling houses and drug problems. "Racine once had groovy jobs but that's all gone," he says.

Like whatsoever parent, he worries about his son, Ben's, future but says he understands protests, having spent more than time on picket lines than 90 per centum of adults in America. They've never lobbed breakable items at the television when Ryan is on but Bryce laughs when he explains how he makes fun of Ryan, maxim: "When Obama was president I would throw a T-shirt over Paul Ryan when he stood next to him on Tv."

He spends every other weekend with Ben and if they are not on a picket line, they're angling or watching movies. Bryce's favorite film is The Grapes of Wrath, John Ford'southward Low-era classic, which inspired Springsteen'southward 1995 anthology The Ghost of Tom Joad. Like the fictional Joad, from John Steinbeck's1939 novel, Bryce seeks to give his voice to the silent, struggling and disenfranchised in a new era of social activism.

His minor flat in Caledonia is total of books. He reads voraciously and ofttimes has three or 4 books going at the aforementioned time. Comedian-turned Autonomous Sen. Al Franken'southward new memoir, Naomi Klein's anti-Trump tome No Is Not Enough and Janesville: An American Story, Amy Goldstein's account about the decline of Ryan'southward hometown, are on his electric current reading listing.

The November 2018 election to capture Ryan's kickoff commune seat is still a long way off but Bryce is thinking long-term. He worries he won't be able to afford the sort of apartment in Washington expected of politicians but says if demand exist, he'll settle out in the distant suburbs where rents are cheaper.

Unlike Ryan, accused of "enabling" the thin-skinned Trump, Bryce says he has no problem calling out the president.

"He's upsetting our allies. When you encounter the former president of Mexico and the current prime number minister of Australia going for him, even the Pope pulling faces, that's something. Nosotros demand to get back to working persons' values. That's what people think is lacking; they need people to fight for them."

Or as Marina Dimitrijevic puts it: "Information technology is an outsider moment, and whether you like information technology or not President Trump captures that. I call up that outsider movement works for Randy on the other side of the aisle. If Randy keeps doing what he is doing, he is going to win." ◆


Randy Bryce's female parent, Nancy, always idea her son was destined for the spotlight – but she hoped he would become an actor, rather than a politico.

"Growing up, he was a skillful male child," she says. "He played football and was in the school jazz band. When he was 16, he appeared in a play and I thought he might get an role player. It was something he liked to exercise.

"There was a fleck of rebellion though. I establish out he was smoking when I kissed him goodnight after the play. He said that was his get-go cigarette.

"He was a dickens around the neighborhood. I would become calls from other moms. But really he loved the jazz band and the football field."

Like nearly mothers, she still worries about her eldest child, along with her policeman second son Cistron and teacher daughter Jennifer. In turn, they worry about her.

The grandmother-of-iv needs xx medications a mean solar day to keep multiple sclerosis at bay and initially felt self-conscious about discussing information technology for her son's campaign video.

Simply now she is enjoying her ain castor with viral fame.

"I didn't know it was going to be such a large deal," she says. "I was someplace the other 24-hour interval
and someone called out, 'Yous're Randy's mom.'

"And, of course, I am proud of him. He has worked his fashion from the bottom up." ◆

Tune in to WUWM's (FM 89.7) "Lake Effect"Nov. vii at10 a.k. to hear more about this story.

Annette Witheridge's most recent commodity for the magazine was near then-Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke.

'Born to Run' appears in the November 2017 issue of Milwaukee Magazine.

Notice it on newsstands get-go Oct 30, or buy a copy at

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